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Suzhou Center introduces new elements to attract visitors

Date:2020-07-20 13:11:22|Source:|Font Size: AAA
Suzhou Center is a must-visit place this summer for both kids who are in their summer vacation and adults who are looking to relax physically and mentally.
The Science Museum event kicked off at the mall on July 11, and will last till Aug 31. It boasts elaborately designed facilities and games for youngsters to learn about science in interesting ways. For example, they can explore the secrets of kaleidoscopes in the “Magic Mirror” Zone, and gain a better understanding of gravity in a “pirate ship” ride.
Speeding Space, a kart club, is a place not to be missed. Equipped with best-in-class sprint kart track, SMS Timing system and go-karts along with avant-garde spatial design, it gives customers extremely exciting karting experiences and the feeling of driving in a future world. 
Renowned Chinese electronics company Xiaomi’s retail outlet is well worth a visit, too. Mi Band 5, the new fitness tracker that supports 11 sports mode, is on sale. 
Apart from that, CAPITASTAR, a digital platform, offers fantastic online shopping experiences. 
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