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SBT version of Swan Lake to be staged in December

Date:2023-08-25 19:24:00|Source:|Font Size: AAA

A new version of the classic ballet Swan Lake is set to be staged in Suzhou from Dec 8 to 10, and then in Singapore next April. The performers of Suzhou Ballet Theatre (SBT) are now busy rehearsing it.

Swan Lake is one of the most popular classic ballets in the world, and the first of Russian composer Pyotr Ilyich Tchaikovsky’s three ballets (the others being The Sleeping Beauty and The Nutcracker) that opened a golden age of Russian ballet.

The new SBT version is based on the Swan Lake adapted by Galina Yordanova at Canada’s Royal Winnipeg Ballet in 1973. Zhang Weiqiang, also known as Johnny W. Chang, a multi-award-winning Chinese ballet master, and Caroline Gruber, former principal dancer of the Royal Winnipeg Ballet, work as the art directors for the show.

August 24, 2023

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