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New Year fair gathers diverse intangible cultural heritage elements

Date:2023-01-13 16:43:37|Source:|Font Size: AAA

SIP Federation of Trade Unions launched an intangible cultural heritage-featured New Year fair tour on Jan 12 for people who will stick to their posts during the upcoming Chinese New Year (or Spring Festival) holiday that will last from Jan 21 to 27. The first event was held in Flextronics Electronics Technology (Suzhou) Co Ltd.

At the event, a number of intangible cultural heritage inheritors made sugar figurines, paper-cuts and other handiworks with traditional handicrafts, which attracted many employees and their families.

Additionally, several traditional Chinese calligraphy enthusiasts wrote Spring Festival couplets for the participants.

It is learnt that events of the same kind will take place in four industrial parks and commercial buildings in the following few days.

January 12, 2023

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