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SBT ballet in honor of scientists to premiere in September

Date:2022-06-13 10:17:27|Source:|Font Size: AAA

Suzhou Ballet Theatre (SBT) opened part of the rehearsal of its new ballet “Spectacular Clouds” to media on June 9. The 20-minute practice deeply impressed the spectators and aroused their anticipation for its premiere on Sept 23.

Rehearsal of Spectacular Clouds

Produced by New Era Group, an SIP-based cultural, sports and exhibition business operator, the new ballet follows the stories of a number of Suzhou-native scientists with remarkable contributions to the invention of the country’s first atomic bomb. Its formidable crew and cast have made it one of the most-anticipated performances of this year.

The ballet will be staged in Suzhou from Sept 23 to 25.

June 9, 2022

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