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Communities host events to usher in World Book Day

Date:2021-04-22 10:54:50|Source:|Font Size: AAA

Two communities in SIP’s Xietang Sub-district recently organized events of different kinds to usher in the World Book Day which, also known as World Book and Copyright Day, is celebrated annually on Apr 23 across the world to promote reading, publishing and copyright.


Songyuan Community launched a public-benefit class to help youngsters develop and increase interest in reading. On the schedule are 70 sessions, one online and six offline each week, where the volunteer teacher Li Hongguang leads the participating youngsters to read literary classics and shares with them good writings by candidates for senior high school and college entrance exams.


The Wenhuiyuan Community committee organized a bookcrossing where the participants could exchange their books for stationery and potted plants and take home any of a wide range of free books they wanted to read.

The community committee also revealed the plan of opening a library with books collected through the local public-benefit bazaar program and volunteer services for local residents.

April 20, 2021

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