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Event to give children a leg up in psychological development

Date:2021-04-07 09:29:49|Source:|Font Size: AAA

The social assistance center at SIP’s Xietang Sub-district recently hosted an event in the aim of giving youngsters a leg up in psychological development.


The psychology instructor started the event with a game where the participating youngsters took turns to introduce themselves following an order decided by a draw lot. The game enabled the youngsters to make acquaintance with each other easily and quickly.

After that, the instructor gave a piece of paperboard with special patterns to each of the youngsters and encouraged them to draw pictures on their paperboards to portray the world they dream about. The youngsters then shared the ideas about their pictures.


In the last part, the instructor divided the youngsters into several groups so that they could finish bigger pictures together. This enhanced the youngsters’ awareness of teamwork.

It is learnt that the center has organized seven events of similar kind for 121 youngsters since its founding in 2018.

April 2, 2021

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