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Residents celebrate New Year’s Day in different ways

Date:2021-01-05 13:47:16|Source:|Font Size: AAA

The residents in different communities in SIP’s Huxi sub-district celebrated the New Year’s Day in different ways.

Several residents in Jiacheng Community and volunteers from a local company made rice glue balls (small dumpling balls made of glutinous rice flour with sweet fillings), a symbol of family reunion in traditional Chinese culture, and shared them with a number of elderlies.

In one of the events in Tianxiang Community, the participating residents made and enjoyed dumplings of green, yellow and purple colors as a token of good luck for the coming year. Another two events in the community offered the participants chances to make flower baskets and Suzhou-style lanterns for festive decoration.

Huzuo’an Community hosted a running race to usher in the year of 2021 and mark the 100th day of the launch of the local waste sorting campaign, while Golf Community organized a hiking which attracted about 100 adults and a group of kids.

Dushi Community hosted an event where several calligraphy enthusiasts wrote Spring Festival couplets for the participants and a residents’ art troupe gave wonderful performances.

December 31, 2020

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