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Community authorities give daily necessities to seniors with plights

Date:2021-01-05 13:58:50|Source:|Font Size: AAA

The authorities of Jintang and Lianyun communities in SIP’s Xietang Sub-district recently showed care and love for a number of senior residents who need help in their life.

The volunteers at Jintang Community on Dec 18 visited six seniors aged above 95 and seven families of elderlies who lost their only child or whose only child is plagued by disability. The volunteers gave the residents edible oil, milk and other daily necessities, learnt about their conditions and needs, and offered them tips on health maintenance.


The administrative staff at Lianyun Community carried out a survey among the local seniors who live alone and, based on the survey results, offered daily necessities to help them fend off the recent cold wave. For example, Li Lingen, an 89-year-old covered by the country’s five-guarantee (assistance in food, clothing, medical care, housing and burial expenses) system, received a cotton-padded quilt and an electric kettle on Dec 29.


December 31, 2020

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