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Sub-district exemplifies good practices in grid-based grassroots governance

Date:2020-12-14 09:50:12|Source:|Font Size: AAA

SIP’s Moon Bay sub-district has exemplified a series of good practices in grid-based grassroots governance. Under the governance mechanism, the whole area is divided into a number of grids, each with integrated management systems and designated personnel to serve the local residents and businesses.

Statistics show that so far this year the designated personnel under the mechanism have conducted 2,081 patrols and visits to collect public opinions and help residents and businesses solve problems and enhance their alertness against safety pitfalls, and organized four training sessions to impart knowledge on laws, fire prevention and dispute settlement to them.

Moreover, the mechanism incorporates handy services that have offered the local residents great help in overcoming difficulties caused by the COVID-19 epidemic, keeping compliance with the local waste sorting rules, resolving disputes and other aspects. It also includes various services to give local businesses a helping hand in tackling challenges in their operations.

December 10, 2020

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