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Door-to-door services benefit seniors who need subsidy

Date:2020-12-14 10:01:00|Source:|Font Size: AAA

The Integrated Command Center of SIP’s Weiting sub-district is piloting a door-to-door service to help local seniors apply for a subsidy earmarked by the government of East China’s Jiangsu province for people aged above 80.

To help a senior go through the application procedures, the center assigns the task to a designated grid supervisor in the community where the senior lives, and the grid supervisor visits the senior and helps him or her apply for the subsidy through the local one-step online administrative service system. After the application is approved, the money will be remitted to the senior’s citizen card every month.

According to the center, the service can benefit more than 2,600 seniors across the sub-district.

December 11, 2020

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