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SIP launches construction on north extension of Xinggang Street

Date:2022-12-16 18:21:00|Source:|Font Size: AAA

A project was launched in SIP on Dec 15 to extend Xinggang Street by about two kilometers northward to improve the traffic conditions in the surrounding areas.

The project starts from the Shanghai-Nanjing Intercity Railway and crosses it to reach Yangchenghu Road in the north, and it will join the Third Yangcheng Xihu Road to be built soon.

The project features a double-layer steel truss overpass with a two-way four-lane part south of Yangdong Road and a two-way six-lane part north of the road.

With a total investment of about RMB 719 million, the project is expected to come into service in October 2025, when it will help greatly improve travel to the cities of Shanghai and Nanjing and enhance the links between west and north SIP and Xiangcheng District of Suzhou.

December 15, 2022

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