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SIP’s public traffic network continuously expands

Date:2022-10-13 11:48:34|Source:|Font Size: AAA

SIP has seen a continuous expansion of its public traffic network since its inception 28 years ago. The network has welcomed increasing new members including public bikes, subways and minibuses in recent years.

SIP began to build the public bike share system in 2012, and has since then put 19,840 bikes into use at 577 parking spots in five sub-districts and all rail transit stations to improve last-mile traffic service for local residents.

SIP’s rail transit system has developed very fast. Since 2012, 58 kilometers of subway tracks with 47 stations have been built and put into use, and more are in construction.

In addition, SIP has opened a series of minibus routes tailored for students and commuters, and there is even a bus line linking communities and farm produce markets.

October 11, 2022

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