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Yangcheng Lake featured in CCTV program as a well-preserved water source

Date:2022-08-09 10:03:58|Source:|Font Size: AAA

The Yangcheng Lake, which provides water for a number of water works in Suzhou, was recently featured in the Economic News, a program on CCTV-2 of China Central Television (CCTV). In the program, a series of measures used to protect the lake were unveiled. Below are several measures implemented by SIP’s Yangcheng Lake Peninsula Tourist Resort and Weiting Sub-district to protect the lake.

An aquatic vegetation recovery project was launched last March to increase the lake’s self-cleaning capacity. And the areas for crab farming in the lake has been greatly reduced, while crab ponds have been renovated and equipped with tail water recycling systems to improve the water quality.

A water source protection system with 30 monitoring devices is in use to monitor the whole lake and the surrounding areas so that an emergency can be handled in 10 minutes after an alarm.

Inspections over pollutants from enterprises and actions aimed at ensuring effective rainwater and sewage discharge from communities, business streets, roads and other facilities also contribute to the preservation of the water source.

Moreover, frequent publicity campaigns have enhanced the nearby residents’ awareness of protecting the lake.

August 5, 2022

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