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SIPCDC strives to provide the best services

Date:2020-11-04 10:04:08|Source:|Font Size: AAA

SIP Center for Disease Control and Prevention (SIPCDC) is receiving more and more acclaim from residents in SIP for its continuously improved services.

SIPCDC offers health checkups from 7am every day from Monday to Saturday along with 24/7 service for people to get their medical reports at any time they feel convenient.

To cope with the COVID-19 epidemic, SIPCDC quickly transformed a laboratory into a separated nucleic acid testing room, and offers online reservation service and electronic testing results to local residents.

At the same time, SIPCDC offers training to its employees on a regular basis to help them improve their service abilities and skills, and adopts complaint and reward and punishment mechanisms to ensure effective supervision over its service quality.

November 2, 2020

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