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Sangtian Island resumes idyllic beauty

Date:2020-11-30 10:12:27|Source:|Font Size: AAA

The vast golden rice field is returning idyllic beauty to Sangtian Island, a zone in SIP widely known for densely distributed construction projects and Chinese telecommunications giant Huawei’s well-equipped R&D base. According to SIP Municipal Service Group (SIPMSG), a harvest can be expected at the end of this month.

It is learnt that SIPMSG launched a project in 2015 to change a 476,000-square-meter uneven land plot full of construction waste into a farm field. The company cleared away the waste, made the land flat, built irrigation ditches and improved the soil, and then adopted a scientific farmland management mode to grow wheat and rice in the field. The yields are high each year.

November 26, 2020

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