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SIP AI Industry Park launches tailored shuttle bus service for commuters

Date:2020-11-25 09:50:34|Source:|Font Size: AAA

SIP AI Industry Park (SIP-AIIP), an AI cluster that came to operation in SIP in 2018, opened two tailored shuttle bus lines on Nov 23 to provide last-mile traffic service to the increasing commuters following its fast development.


According to SIP-AIIP operator SIP Science & Technology Development Co Ltd and SIP Bus Co Ltd, the co-developers of the lines, four minibuses are now in trial running to take commuters from Rail Transit Line 1 Zhongnanjie Station and Line 2 Jinshanglu Station to their companies in SIP-AIIP.

Passengers need to book tickets between 7:30am to 2:00pm for the next day through a designated mobile app. The bus company sends messages to the passengers’ mobile phones before 5:00pm to inform them of the detailed schedule.


The bus company disclosed that larger buses may be employed and the routes, service intervals and stations may be adjusted based on the conditions of the trial running and actual needs of the passengers.

November 23, 2020

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