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ABTC can be applied online in SIP

Date:2020-10-16 09:55:15|Source:|Font Size: AAA

According to SIP Foreign Affairs Office, people in SIP now can apply for APEC Business Travel Card (ABTC) in a much easier way through the new module that was recently added to SIP’s one-stop online administrative service system. The paperless and non-face-to-face application mode can save applicants both efforts and time.

ABTC is a travel document issued to business travellers who are citizens of APEC participating economies. Valid for five years, the card eliminates the need for its holder to possess a visa when visiting other APEC participating economies, and enables expedited immigration clearance through ABTC lanes in designated APEC participating economies. Statistics show that SIP-based enterprises have applied for a total of 1,207 ABTCs for their employees since 2009.

October 14, 2020

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