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Summer camp on water and environmental protection kicks off

Date:2020-08-07 10:45:13|Source:|Font Size: AAA
SIP’s education, environmental protection and publicity authorities and several companies in the area jointly launched a public-benefit summer camp on July 24 to offer participants opportunities to learn better about water and environmental protection. 
On the schedule are 16 sessions, three sessions each week. So far, four sessions have been held, attracting about 300 people who, mostly youngsters and a few of adults, applied for participation through several designated WeChat accounts.
In each of the sessions, the campers have the chance to visit several waterworks and sewage disposal plants run by the companies to gain an all-around understanding of drinking water and sewage processing procedures, and do experiments to check water quality. 
Moreover, the campers can have a tour around an organic waste disposal plant to learn details about how kitchen waste and other organic waste are recycled and how to sort waste.
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