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Fish hatchlings put into lakes in SIP

Date:2020-06-24 16:14|Source:|Font Size: AAA
Several officials from SIP authorities and over 50 volunteers and residents put about 14 million fish hatchlings and over 100,000 kilograms of young fish of different kinds into the Jinji, Dushu and Dongsha lakes on June 22, in a move to preserve the local aquatic ecosystem and biodiversity. 
It is learnt that SIP has put a large amount of fish hatchlings and young fish into the local water system since 2017, and the fish have played an important role in helping prevent water eutrophication, for example, by consuming blue algae, and keep the ecological balance of the waters.
During the event, the organizers also called the local citizens to help protect the fish and curb behaviors that may result in damages to the local water environment. 
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