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Training launched in SIP to give manufacturers a helping hand in going digital

Date:2023-03-06 15:59:00|Source:|Font Size: AAA

The SIP “5G+Industrial Internet and Business Digitalization Training” was launched in SIP High-end Manufacturing and International Trade Zone (SIP-HMITZ) on Mar 3, aimed at giving manufacturing enterprises in the zone a helping hand in going digital.

Jointly sponsored by the Administrative Committee of SIP-HMITZ and SIP 5G + Industrial Internet Acceleration and Innovation Center, and organized by the Shanghai Jiao Tong University (Suzhou) AI Research Institute, the four-day training program has attracted more than 60 people who are in charge of business management, factories, IT service, smart manufacturing, equipment and logistics in 40 manufacturing enterprises in SIP-HMITZ.

In the first session, the trainees gained a good knowledge of SIP’s plans and policies designed to support digitalization in manufacturing, and attended the lectures given by two experts in smart manufacturing and AI application.

It is learnt that the trainees will also have chances to share their opinions with big names from the AI industry in a brainstorming session and visit several enterprises to learn experience in digital transformation and upgrading.

March 3, 2023

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