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The video production industry to throw a party at Jinji Lake bank

Date:2023-03-03 15:37:00|Source:|Font Size: AAA

The Netease Knowledge Gala cum Conference of Video Creators is set to kick off at SIP’s Jinji Lake International Convention Center on Mar 8, when experts from the digital culture industry and nearly 1,000 outstanding short video creators will get together.

The event, jointly sponsored by SIP Administrative Committee and Chinese Internet technology company Netease, will consist of keynote speeches, a roundtable, an award ceremony and a digital content fair.

Guan Qingyou, president of Reality Institute of Advanced Finance, Wu Yifan, an executive at Netease’s Rich Media Center, and Kuang Feng, CEO of Da Yu, an MCN (multi-channel network) in SIP, will give speeches on such topics as creation of digital content, new modes of video production and integration of digital and real economy.

The digital content fair will gather the latest products from different Netease members including Netease Yanxuan and Cloud Music.

In addition, a number of short video creators and companies will receive awards.

March 2, 2023

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