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Panasonic’s new headquarters building comes into service in SIP

Date:2022-11-04 12:32:21|Source:|Font Size: AAA

Panasonic Electric Equipment (China) Co Ltd, founded by Japanese electronics conglomerate Panasonic in SIP in 2018 as the headquarters of its housing solutions arm in China, put its new headquarters building into use in SIP on Nov 1.

As one of the first Japanese companies to cooperate with China, Panasonic runs eight companies with more than 20,000 employees in Suzhou. Of them, Panasonic Electric Equipment (China) Co Ltd provides air conditioning, air cleaning and lighting equipment and other products and solutions which are designed to make homes safe, convenient and comfortable.

The new headquarters building, equipped with advanced facilities that can help save energy and recycle waste, integrates the functions for technology research and development, marketing and after-sales services, daily management, training and so on. It is expected to accelerate and expand Panasonic’s innovation in housing solutions.

November 1, 2022

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