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XTERRA opens new Chinese headquarters in SIP

Date:2022-04-01 09:59:12|Source:|Font Size: AAA

XTERRA, a global off-road triathlon and trail running event and also an international outdoor lifestyle brand, recently opened its new Chinese headquarters in Yangcheng Lake Peninsula Tourist Resort, SIP, aiming to develop a new hub for sports, culture, nature and sustainability.

XTERRA offers everything from apparel to training advice, content creation, media communication and more. For 26 years, XTERRA has been pursuing excellence and sustainability with a purpose of inspiring off-road adventure by connecting people and nature.

The new headquarters is located in the beautiful Lotus Lake Park which covers an area of approximately 790,000 square meters including the water surface area of about 200,000 square meters.

XTERRA will host various sports and environmental protection activities at its new headquarters to encourage people to get close to nature and help promote harmonious co-existence between human and nature.

March 28, 2022

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