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Over RMB 50 billion flows into BioBAY last year

Date:2022-02-08 09:54:47|Source:|Font Size: AAA

SIP BioBAY saw the investment inflow of more than RMB 50 billion last year, living up to its reputation as one of the best places to invest in China.

Throughout the year of 2021, two BioBAY-based companies went public at NASDAQ, three at Hong Kong Stock Exchange, and four at Shanghai Stock Exchange’s STAR Market. Most of the companies are innovative medicine and medical device developers.

In addition, 53 companies finished 60 rounds of financing, raising over RMB 20 billion in total. Of them, Porton Biologics Ltd raised RMB 400 million in Series A round, the most in early-stage fundraising, and Suzhou Abogen Biosciences finished the most rounds in a single year, raising RMB 6.6 billion through the Series B, C and C+ rounds.

February 4, 2022

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