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12th CHInano opens in SIP

Date:2021-10-29 09:45:51|Source:|Font Size: AAA

The three-day CHInano 2021 Conference & Expo, also known as the 12th CHInano, opened in SIP on Oct 27.

CHInano, an annual event jointly initiated by Chinese Society of Micro-Nano Technology and China Association for International Science and Technology Cooperation in 2010, is a globally renowned event for nanotech enterprises and research institutes to showcase their outcomes in the field and seek cooperation opportunities.

This year’s event consists of a main report conference, 11 forums, two innovation and entrepreneurship contests and a nanotech exhibition, attracting over 2,200 enterprises and more than 300 top-notch nanotech experts and professionals. Part of the event will be moved online for the purpose of coronavirus prevention.

At the opening ceremony, a number of cooperative projects were signed, including those between the National Third-generation Semiconductor Technology Innovation Center and eight research organizations and enterprises.

Gusu Lab, an SIP-based laboratory dedicated to driving development and innovation of material science, announced a list of projects to seek partners.

October 27, 2021

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