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BioBAY operator and school set up joint academy to cultivate biotech professionals

Date:2021-01-05 13:53:23|Source:|Font Size: AAA

Suzhou Industrial Park Biotech Development Co Ltd, operator of BioBAY, a cluster of 430-plus biotech companies in SIP, and Changshu Institute of Technology, a school based in Changshu, a county-level city under Suzhou’s jurisdiction, jointly inaugurated the Suzhou Biomedicine Modern Industry Academy at the school on Dec 31 to cultivate talents for the biomedical industry in SIP.

Relying on the school’s rich experience in cooperating with enterprises in talent programs, the academy is expected to become a stable source of high-level, specialized biotech professionals for enterprises in SIP and therefore help propel the development of the biomedical industry that is given top priority in SIP’s development planning.

December 31, 2020

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