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Event to lend enterprises a hand in overseas investment

Date:2021-01-05 13:50:58|Source:|Font Size: AAA

YRD Overseas Investment Promotion Center organized an event on Dec 28, lending over 40 enterprises a hand in launching or pushing on with overseas investment projects.


At the event, Chen Zhenhua, a division chief from SIP Administrative Examination and Approval Office, gave the enterprise representatives a specific introduction to SIP’s policies and administrative review procedures for outward direct investment.

Fang Kun, deputy chief of Division of Urban & Industrial Development at China-Singapore Suzhou Industrial Park Development Group Co Ltd (CSSD), a Sino-Singaporean joint venture in SIP, gave an introduction to CSSD’s overseas investment projects, especially the Myanmar Singapore Industrial Park being built in Myanmar.

Moreover, Zhang Zhewei, director of the China branch of IDA Ireland, an agency responsible for the attraction and retention of inward foreign direct investment into Ireland, introduced Ireland’s investment environment and recommended projects to the enterprise representatives.


Concurrently, the new council of Jinji Lake Overseas Investment Service Alliance formed and held its first meeting where the council members voted through the alliance’s articles and future work plans.

December 31, 2020

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