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Business management training project concludes

Date:2021-01-05 13:48:54|Source:|Font Size: AAA

The three-month “Empowering the Teams” training project, part of the 2020 “Jinji Lake Partners” program that SIP authorities launched early this year in collaboration with a number of “partners” to provide tailored support for leading startup founders and key tech companies, concluded lately.

The “Jinji Lake Partners” program gathers many outstanding service organizations from around Suzhou to provide targeted, professional and customized services to give businesses covered by the program a leg up in their growth.

Sponsored by SIP Enterprise Development Service Center, and organized by SIP Talent Innovation and Entrepreneurship Promotion Association and China Inno-Education Institute, the “Empowering the Teams” training project boasted innovatively designed courses and contests to help the participating entrepreneurs acquire better management and marketing skills.

At the conclusion ceremony, several of the trainees shared their feelings about the training courses, and gave several examples of applying what they learnt under the project to improve their business operations.

December 31, 2020

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