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SIP R-Community service system receives award

Date:2020-12-04 12:48:37|Source:|Font Size: AAA

The SIP R-Community service system, which consists of a number of service outlets named “SIP R-Community One-Stop Government Service Stations” at grassroots levels to improve last-mile services for enterprises and residents, recently received the award for innovation in business services at the 2020 China’s Top 50 Business Environment Improvement Cases award ceremony held in Beijing.


It is learnt that SIP Administrative Examination and Approval Office and other two authorities jointly inaugurated the first SIP R-Community service station at SIP’s biomedicine cluster BioBAY in May, and since then have set up a total of eight outlets of the kind at different industrial clusters and commercial complexes to provide over 130 public services concerning people’s livelihood and more than 10 categories of services highly demanded by enterprises.

The services boast simplified procedures and integrated on- and off-line working mode to save applicants time and efforts in seeking administrative services and information they need.

December 2, 2020

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