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SIP sees accelerated development of industrial Internet

Date:2020-10-23 12:56:15|Source:|Font Size: AAA

The 2020 Conference on Integration of Informatization and Industrialization cum Gathering of Industrial Internet Platforms kicked off in SIP on Oct 21. At the event, SIP showcased eye-catching outcomes in developing and applying industrial Internet technology.

It was revealed at the event that SIP has been striving to promote application of Internet technology in manufacturing and other industrial sectors in recent years, and is sparing no efforts to develop into a pioneering zone for development of 5G-based industrial Internet. SIP is now home to 250-plus enterprises engaged in industrial Internet, and over 300 factories employing industrial Internet solutions, including about 100 that have been recognized as benchmarks for Internet-based operations.

At the event, Huawei, Yonyou and ROOTCLOUD, three of over 50 tech companies with industrial Internet platforms in SIP, showcased their solutions and services to the participants.

According to a source from SIP Economic Development Committee, SIP is expected to realize full coverage of 5G network later this year, and is pushing on with a series of programs to support development of industrial Internet technology and related industries in the area.

October 21, 2020

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