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The 3rd Yeehong Suzhou Forum held in SIP

Date:2024-03-27 12:01:00|Source:|Font Size: AAA

Sponsored by Yeehong Business School of Shenyang Pharmaceutical University, the 3rd Yeehong Suzhou Forum was held in SIP from Mar 22 to 23, attracting more than 300 people working on medicine innovation, drug administration, market access and investment and financing.

Founded in 2014, the Yeehong Business School is the country’s only business school focusing on cultivation of high-level management professionals for the pharmaceutical industry. It set up a branch in SIP in 2021, and initiated the Yeehong Suzhou Forum in the same year in the hope of facilitating exchanges and cooperation within the pharmaceutical sector for development of new drugs.

The event included the main forum and five sub-forums where the participants exchanged opinions on innovation, development, registration, marketing and administration of drugs, and offered advice for SIP to promote high-quality development of biomedical industry.

Shao Feng, an academician at the Chinese Academy of Sciences and a senior researcher and deputy director of National Institute of Biological Sciences, Beijing, and several other experts gave keynote speeches at the main forum.

The event also included a high-end dialogue where the guests gave talks on the connotation of drug innovation as well as expectations and collaboration mechanisms for innovative development of drugs.

March 26, 2024

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