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Suzhou Junior Symphony Orchestra makes its debut last Sunday

Date:2023-02-07 12:41:00|Source:|Font Size: AAA

The Suzhou Junior Symphony Orchestra (SJSO), which is composed of over 100 youngsters aged between 10 and 18, made its debut in the Suzhou Symphony Orchestra’s “Happy Chinese New Year” concert on Feb 5.

The SJSO was founded last July under the collaboration of Suzhou Education Bureau and SIP-based company New Era Group. Its members were recruited in the following three months.

Suzhou Symphony Orchestra, run by New Era Group, provided training for the SJSO members, and its music director Chen Xieyang serves as the music director of SJSO.

The concert featured a list of performances of Chinese and foreign symphony works, and the SJSO participated in the performances of several classic works like Youth Waltz, Bolero and The Radetzky March, receiving positive response from the audiences.

It is learnt that the youngsters will give performances in Shanghai, Beijing and Guangzhou later this year, and are expected to perform abroad in the future.

February 6, 2023

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