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IFWS & SSLCHINA kicks off in SIP

Date:2023-02-10 15:56:00|Source:|Font Size: AAA

The 8th International Forum on Wide Bandgap Semiconductors China (IFWS) & 19th China International Forum on Solid State Lighting (SSLCHINA) kicked off in SIP on Feb 8, with more than 30 activities over three days to showcase the latest outcomes in the third-generation semiconductor industry.

The IFWS is an international event sponsored by the China Advanced Semiconductor Industry Innovation Alliance (CASA). It aims to promote collaborative innovation in the third-generation semiconductor and related sectors.

The SSLCHINA, sponsored by China Solid State Lighting Alliance (CSA), aims to promote international exchanges and cooperation concerning solid state lighting (SSL) technology, and guide the development of the SSL industry.

The IFWS and the SSLCHINA have been held concurrently since 2015. So far, more than 1,900 experts, scholars, entrepreneurs and investors from over 70 countries and regions have given speeches and more than 29,000 people participated.

It is the first time for the IFWS & SSLCHINA to be held in Suzhou. With the National Third-generation Semiconductor Technology Innovation Center (Suzhou) as one of its sponsors, the event includes 20-plus conferences along with an exhibition, an award ceremony, a promotion on industrial parks, a project roadshow, a series of product launches and several parties.

February 8, 2023

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