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Chinese and foreign friends celebrate Chinese Spring Festival together

Date:2023-01-19 10:42:00|Source:|Font Size: AAA

Suzhou Industrial Park One-stop Service Centre for Expats hosted an event on Jan 17 when more than 40 expatriates in SIP experienced Chinese culture and celebrated the Chinese Spring Festival which, also called Chinese New Year, will fall on Jan 22.

In the event, the expats experienced silk reeling, a procedure of making silk, and played the five-in-a-row game. They also learnt to perform Kunqu opera, one of the oldest forms of Chinese opera, and viewed the exhibition of traditional Chinese calligraphy and painting works and the exhibition of expats’ photography works.

In addition, the centre inaugurated a number of service stations in scenic spots, foreign-funded enterprises and international schools and communities, and opened the International Talent Innovation Practice Base and launched the “Growing Forest Project” to serve expats and their projects.

Concurrently, the Museum Well-Being for Expats program was launched. Under the program, the centre and Suzhou Silk Museum will organize a succession of activities to help expats in SIP better understand the culture in the region south of the Yangtze River.

January 18, 2023

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