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The 4th Jinji Lake Modern Services Summit cum Jinji Lake Commercial Summit opens in SIP

Date:2022-11-24 14:00:25|Source:|Font Size: AAA

Jointly sponsored by the Administrative Committee of SIP’s Jinji Lake CBD and SIP Bureau of Commerce, the 4th Jinji Lake Modern Services Summit cum Jinji Lake Commercial Summit, opened in SIP on Nov 22, bringing together a host of experts and elites from different sectors to brainstorm strategies for future development of modern services and improvement of urban vitality.

SIP Administrative Committee director Lin Xiaoming addressed the opening ceremony, giving the participants a brief introduction to SIP’s modern service industry, support policies and future development plans.

Jinji Lake CBD released the plans of improving the urban vitality and landscape around Jinji Lake, and announced to build the Jinji Lake Rim Posthouse to provide services for citizens and showcase achievements in urban development around Jinji Lake. Concurrently, a global campaign was launched to seek the architectural design for the “posthouse”.

SIP Administrative Committee and Suzhou Rail Transit Group signed an agreement on site to enhance collaboration in upgrading traffic conditions in SIP, and ten brands announced to set up stores in SIP.

At the main forum, Zhang Jun, professor and dean of School of Economics at Fudan University, and Li Feng, founding partner of FreeS Fund, gave speeches revolving around trade in services and consumption. Several sub-forums on consumption and vitality of business, digital finance and other topics took place on the same day.

November 22, 2022

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