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SIPFIC launches new program to support private enterprises

Date:2022-06-24 11:49:33|Source:|Font Size: AAA

SIP Federation of Industry and Commerce (SIPFIC) launched a new program called “Joint Escort” at its meeting on June 22, claiming to give private enterprises in SIP a helping hand in safety management, financing, credit improvement and talent recruitment .

SIPFIC plays an important role in driving the development of non-public sectors of economy in SIP which had recorded 90,031 private enterprises with a total registered capital of RMB 983.974 billion by the end of 2021.

At the meeting, SIPFIC unveiled a series of plans for its work in this year, aiming to achieve more in bolstering private enterprises, and signed agreements with SIP Human Resources and Social Security Bureau (SIP-HRSSB) and SIP Financial Development and Risk Prevention Bureau (SIP-FDRPB) to cooperate in the implementation of the “Joint Escort” program.

The meeting also incorporated a training session on HR management for private enterprises.

June 22, 2022

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