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Expats experience culture related to Chinese New Year

Date:2022-01-25 09:47:15|Source:|Font Size: AAA

Over 40 people, including expatriates who work in SIP and their families, experienced culture related to Chinese New Year at SIP One-stop Service Centre for Expats on Jan 22, and received a manual on SIP’s services for expats as well.

The event offered the participants a chance to know better about the Chinese New Year which, also known as Spring Festival, will fall on Feb 1 this year.

In the process, the participants tried to make traditional Chinese paper-cuts and write Spring Festival couplets for use as decorations on the windows and doors of their homes during the festival, played traditional Chinese games such as Chinese rings puzzle and pitch-pot, and learnt to make Tanghulu, a traditional Chinese snack made out of fruits skewered on bamboo sticks that are coated in a crispy shell of sugar.

“I participated in an event of similar kind last year, and had been expecting a second chance,” said a woman from Tunisia, who came with her daughter and son this time. Like the other participants, she appreciated the opportunity to make new friends and learn about local culture.


January 22, 2022

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