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YLPTR starts to pilot credit-based consumption

Date:2021-11-02 10:23:43|Source:|Font Size: AAA

SIP’s Yangcheng Lake Peninsula Tourist Resort (YLPTR) announced to pilot a credit-based consumption system on Oct 29 in order to foster a good consumption environment across the area.

Six tourist product and service suppliers, including HB World, Suzhou Village outlets mall and SANGHA Retreat, signed an agreement concurrently, promising to firmly embrace the good faith business philosophy.

YLPTR authorities unveiled a set of regulations and platforms for supervision over business activities and customer feedback as well as credit rating.

Under the credit-based consumption system, both businesses and consumers are encouraged to gain credit points for rewards. Businesses with certain credit ratings can enjoy incentives, and consumers can enjoy discounts and even free services in their consumption according to their credit ratings.

October 29, 2021

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