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New landmark project in northern SIP to open next month

Date:2021-04-15 09:32:25|Source:|Font Size: AAA

Northern SIP Citizen Center, a new landmark project in SIP’s Yangcheng Lake Peninsula Tourist Resort, was completed lately, and is set to open on May 9.

Located in the central area of the northern part of SIP, the project, with a land area of 24,000 square meters and a total floor area of 48,000 square meters, consists of sports facilities, theatre, library and art and sports schools that are expected to enrich the life of 300,000 residents in the surrounding areas.

The over-400-seat theatre will offer diversified performances such as children’s plays, modern dramas, talk shows and concerts.

The art school will offer courses on dancing, music, painting and performance to children, and host art shows, competitions, learning camps and other events. The sports school will run a variety of training programs for adults and youngsters who fancy such sports as swimming, badminton, table tennis and basketball.

The library will not only provide books, but also organize diverse parent-child activities and cultural events for readers.

April 13, 2021

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