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Ding Lixin visits YLPTR for survey purpose

Date:2020-10-19 10:01:54|Source:|Font Size: AAA

SIP Administrative Committee director Ding Lixin and his contingent visited Yangcheng Lake Peninsula Tourist Resort (YLPTR) for a survey aimed at helping drive industrial development in northern SIP.

Ding and his fellows first visited CSSD Ecological Science & Technology Hub, a local complex embracing eco-friendly commercial and industrial projects, and several enterprises and organizations there. In the process, they gained a good knowledge of the progress of a demonstration project underway there for integrated development of intelligent economy, learnt about the operation of a number of commercial buildings in the area, and offered directions for revitalizing idle assets.

The survey team then attended a meeting with officials from YLPTR authorities, listening to their reports on local industrial development and efforts in reinforcing industrial foundation.

Ding gave high praise to YLPTR’s endeavor in seeking improvement of local resource utilization efficiency for industrial development, and offered advice on land use, development planning and industrial layout, etc.

October 15, 2020

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