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Six businesses received SIP’s comprehensive business license

Date:2020-06-23 10:54|Source:|Font Size: AAA
Six businesses in SIP received on June 20 the innovative “Comprehensive Business License” that SIP authorities issued for the first time as part of the efforts to optimize administrative services for the convenience of local businesses.
The license combines the original permit for operations related to food products, the environmental impact assessment certificate and the permit for fire prevention measures, which the applicants had to go through complicated administrative procedures and wait for a long time to acquire. Now, the new license is available within five days after the applicants file their application documents at the designated one-stop service outlet. 
It is learnt that the new licensing mechanism is being piloted in five sectors, covering small restaurants, bakeries, convenience stores, etc, and is expected to be rolled out to other 16 sectors in the future. 
“We are using smart and integrated systems to ensure fast handling of applications for the license, and have opened a specialized service window at the local one-stop service center to save the applicants time and cost,” said Chen Juhong, deputy chief of Reform Division at SIP Administrative Examination and Approval Office.
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