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SIP sets an example in improving education

Date:2022-12-01 16:23:11|Source:|Font Size: AAA

SIP’s achievements in improving education are apparent, and the increase of new and upgraded schools and their enrollments can prove. There are even people moving into SIP for the purpose that their children could go to a better school.

The secret for the achievements lies in three three-year plans which allowed SIP’s education system to be improved and expanded step by step and detail by detail.

SIP launched the first plan in 2008, aiming to upgrade 15 schools under town-level management into those directly under SIP Administrative Committee. The goal was fulfilled in 2011, and these schools have seen great improvement in education quality.

Over the next three years, SIP laid the emphasis on the building of the teachers’ team and supporting innovation in educational programs which spawned a diversity of characteristic courses developed in different schools.

Under the third plan, from 2014 to 2017, advanced technologies were introduced into education to make educational resources easily available to all kinds of students.

It is worth mentioning that these plans have benefited not only the students in kindergartens, primary and middle schools and colleges and universities, but also community residents who want to spend their spare time learning knowledge or skills. There are many community-based educational programs for the latter, and a number of universities for the aged in different sub-districts.

“I’m attending the piano and dancing classes in the university for the aged near my home,” said Zhang, a retiree in SIP’s Meisong Community.

SIP sees a number of schools built or renovated each year. Currently, there are 180,000 students accepting basic education and 14,000 teachers, and many schools meet international norms.

November 29, 2022

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