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Leaders of alumni associations provide suggestions for talent introduction

Date:2022-11-15 15:14:31|Source:|Font Size: AAA

The leaders of the alumni associations in the higher education institutions and international schools in SIP met with the operators of several of SIP’s industrial clusters on Nov 11 to discuss ways of attracting overseas returnees to SIP.

At the event, the representatives from SIP’s BioBAY, Nanopolis Suzhou and Suzhou AI Industry Park, which are representatively home to biotech, nanotech and AI technology enterprises, gave the leaders of the alumni associations specific introductions to the industrial clusters’ conditions and demand for talents.

After that, the participants from the alumni associations and a number of organizations dedicated to serving overseas Chinese and returnees shared their opinions on approaches of promoting collaboration between schools, talents and enterprises to fuel talent inflow to SIP.

November 11, 2022

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