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SIPFLS celebrates 10th anniversary

Date:2021-10-26 09:47:22|Source:|Font Size: AAA

SIP Foreign Language School (SIPFLS) celebrated the 10th anniversary of its inception on Oct 23.

Founded in 2011, SIPFLS is a private international K-12 school offering multi-language education. With a land area of more than 53,000 square meters, it currently has more than 2,000 students and faculty members from 20 countries and regions. Many of the school’s students have entered globally renowned universities such as Imperial College London, National University of Singapore, University of Sydney, University of Toronto and University of Tokyo.

At the celebration, the SIPFLS Academic Committee was inaugurated, and a number of faculty members received awards for their contributions over the past decade. Moreover, a donation was held.

October 23, 2021

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