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Playing sports helps students build confidence

Date:2021-10-28 09:55:20|Source:|Font Size: AAA

SIP Xingwan School, a nine-year education school in SIP, has exemplified a series of good practices in helping its students increase confidence through sports.

The school is well-known for its capability of training future football and badminton players. Many of its students have won medals in various youth sports events.

Take badminton for example. The school’s students have one badminton class each week. Besides, the school has organized matches, knowledge quizzes and parent-child events to boost students’ interest in the sport.

Moreover, the school runs clubs and a “Star Cultivation” program to encourage its students to participate in various sports activities, such as aerobics, volleyball, fencing, track and field and martial art, and provides specialized training for students who have shown extraordinary talents in certain fields.

October 26, 2021

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