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Science popularization program concludes

Date:2020-10-09 09:53:31|Source:|Font Size: AAA

The one-week 2020 SIP “National Science Popularization Day” Events, a science popularization program organized by SIP Science & Technology Association (SIPSTA), concluded on Sept 25. It consisted of exhibitions, lectures and experiments designed to disseminate science among SIP residents.

It is learnt that Cold Spring Harbor Asia DNA Learning Center, GCL Future Energy Museum and a number of companies served as science popularization bases under the program, and held a total of 25 exhibitions that attracted over 900 visitors. A specially designed system was used for online reservation for the exhibitions, and over 3,000 “Science Popularization Maps” were distributed to the participants.

Some schools made reservations for their teachers and students, while some youngsters visited the exhibitions together with their parents.

According to the organizer, the science popularization bases will open on a monthly or quarterly basis even after the conclusion of the program.

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