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Chinese and Canadian high school students jointly win prizes

Date:2020-10-10 14:17:01|Source:|Font Size: AAA

Six students from China-Canada International Education Department at SIP-based Soochow University High School and three students from Halifax West High School, a Canadian public high school, jointly won three prizes in the recent “Young Emissary Online Diplomacy” competition organized by Suzhou Education Association for International Exchange.

The competition, themed “Reuse, Reduce and Recycle”, was aimed at guiding youngsters to make studies on public health, waste disposal, endangered species, utilization of renewable energy sources and climate change.

In three groups, each with two Chinese students and one Canadian student, the young contestants communicated and worked together online for months starting from May. They finally garnered the second prize with a report on research of waste sorting, the first prize with a video calling attention to scientific waste disposal and public health, and the second prize with a poster expounding on differences between Chinese and Canadian waste sorting rules.

September 30, 2020

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