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SIPMSB branch conducts safety checks around beginning of new semester

Date:2020-09-09 09:59:27|Source:|Font Size: AAA
SIP Market Supervision Bureau (SIPMSB)'s branch in SIP High-end Manufacturing and International Trade Zone enhanced safety checks around the beginning of the new semester in early September to ensure a completely safe environment for youngsters in local kindergartens and primary and middle schools.
Before the start of the new semester, the SIPMSB office carried out an inspection tour to the food product suppliers surrounding local schools and the schools' canteens and also provided training to the canteens' staff to ensure all the food provided to the students are safe.
Apart from that, the office's inspection teams also checked the schools' elevators for the purpose of preventing potential accidents, and conducted inspections over the school supplies in the stationers and other stores near the schools in an effort to curb unqualified products.
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