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Enterprise representatives visit XJTLU to seek cooperation opportunities

Date:2020-06-30 16:02|Source:|Font Size: AAA
The Administrative Committee of SIP’s Dushu Lake Science & Education Innovation Zone (DLSEIZ) is organizing a series of events themed “Campus Open Day” to offer enterprises opportunities to visit local universities and colleges to seek cooperation opportunities. In the event on June 24, over 50 people from biomedicine enterprises visited Xi’an Jiaotong-Liverpool University (XJTLU).
The enterprise representatives first attended a symposium with several local officials and XJTLU’s executives. In the process, they gained a better understanding of DLSEIZ’s resources for R&D activities and talent cultivation as well as supporting policies for cooperation between enterprises, schools and research institutes, and learnt details about XJTLU’s conditions, especially the development of its biological science department. 
At the symposium, XJTLU signed agreements with two biomedicine companies to launch cooperation in talent cultivation and internship programs.
After that, the enterprise representatives toured around the school’s museum and its biological science department’s laboratories, and exchanged opinions with several professors from the department.
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