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SZIEC collecting old photos and stuff to mark its 15th anniversary

Date:2019-02-21 14:07|Source:|Font Size: AAA

Suzhou International Expo Centre (SZIEC), a perfect venue opened in SIP in 2004 for various exhibitions, conferences and other events, is pushing on a campaign to collect old photos and stuff with stories about it as a way to usher in its 15th anniversary.


The photos and the stuff are required to be dated before 2016 and be submitted along with descriptions about them and the owners' contact information. Photos taken with both film and digital cameras are acceptable as long as they depict wonderful moments in SZIEC's construction, development and operation. The old stuff should be significantly related to SZIEC's evolution history and events held in it.

The campaign will last till Mar 29. Some of the entries will be selected and exhibited, while the owners will receive a special commemorative certificate of participation together with an exquisite gift tailored for SZIEC's 15th anniversary.

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